Definition and function Processor / CPU computer
Processor or commonly called the CPU is the brain of the computer assisted by components - other components. Unit MHz speed of the processor is, and the greater the value of the speed of the processor, the computer work faster also. Conceptually processor has three main components, namely ALU, CU and MU.
- ALU (Aritmatic Logical Unit) is part of the CPU that is tasked to perform arithmetic calculations that must be executed in accordance with the instructions of the program. besides ALU also serves to complete the program with a logic operation so that all of the mathematical calculations on a computer to do this part.
- CU (Control Unit) is part of the duty to regulate traffic data such as content were the main memory instructions, regulate and control the input and output equipment, send the command to the ALU, stores results and others.
- MU (Memory Unit) is the part that serves to temporarily store functions that are executed or being processed.
Things that should be considered in choosing a processor:
- adjust to the slot on the motherboard.
- Processor Clock Speed, because the higher the speed of the processor, the faster the speed of the processor, for example: Intel Pentium IV 1.8 GHz artinyaprocessor have the speed to execution is 1800 million in 1 second.
- Cache memory is, the higher the value of the cache memory, the faster processor in the execution.
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